One of Eamonn Conor’s greatest inspirations is the great Michael Jackson, although departed his works played a major role in directing Eamonn Connor to his musical path.
Eamonn Conor is an artist from Australia, he makes detailed music aiming his song can resonate with his listeners. The youthful artist manages to deliver tunes that are catchy, relatable, and nostalgic without the use of complicated formulas or fancy production, all of which are enhanced by his bright and dynamic vocal tone.
His most recent song, “Table 17,” is evidence of that. Conor creates vocals that resemble that of Michael Jackson over a sweet and groovy RnB composition.
Eamonn’s tone is amazing; it exhibits wisdom and control, two qualities that are hard to come by these days. The Australian artist, who has been involved in music since a very early age, appears to be gradually becoming a pop powerhouse, a characteristic that perfectly suits him.
In a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh, Eamonn Conor shared bits and pieces of his life, he touched on some of the challenges he faces as an independent.
Yet this doesn’t discourage him in becoming one of the greats like his mentor, he continues to strive through his trials and tribulations to produce top notch song that would stand the test of time. More of this was shared during the interview.
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What is your stage name
Eamonn Conor
Is there a story behind your stage name?
It was pretty much I was really nervous starting out and didn’t want people to know what I did. I guess I was just really shy. I started as Drew Conor, but then changed to my first name. Conor is my second name. I guess I wanted to have my music and personal life separate and create a character.
Where do you find inspiration?
Through Michael Jackson. He is absolutely magical, and that’s what I want to be “Magical”.
What was the role of music in the early years of your life?
I really never did music as a child, I did Keyboard at school with lessons, and always sung around the house. I remember I auditioned in school for a production called “Back to the 80’s” as Michael Jackson. The people hosting the auditions always said I could sing, but I got cold feet and was too scared to do it.
Are you from a musical or artistic family?
My mother is very musical, studying piano at university and also teaching students for part time. She was also a dancer when she was younger.
Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry?
Michael Jackson, just seeing what he did I was in awe, and I said that’s what I want to do, and that’s what I am going to do.
How did you learn to sing/write/to play?
I learnt through listening to interviews of the greats and watching how they performed and recorded, and just wanted to become greater.

What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform?
The first concert I went to was a Rod Stewart concert, and I was working as a security/traffic controller as I needed money.
How could you describe your music?
My music is Disco, Funk, Pop, R&B
Describe your creative process.
It all starts from me having a melody which I record into a phone, then I will sing random words to it. I am very melodically driven so the hook and melody is everything. I will then go to my keyboardist who will then transcribe and harmonize the idea/demo I have.
From there I will jam with my band and expand and grow the idea. Then I will go to the studio and rearrange what we have to become greater with help from other songs I was influenced by when writing it.
What is your main inspiration?
Michael Jackson again, I want to create magic and perform to thousands and thousands of people. Make them leave in awe.
What musician do you admire most and why?
Again Michael Jackson, I think he was so amazing at what he did and he worked extremely hard at his craft. I thought Thriller and what they did with that music video was amazing and when I saw that as a kid I knew that what I wanted to do.
Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career?
Yes very much so. I started out doing pop music which was more soul and R&B vibes to it. I did enjoy that type of music but I didn’t have a lot of creative input with the producer I was working with. I also didn’t really know what kind of music and artist I wanted to be. Kind of like high school, no one really has a clue on who they are or what they want to do.
Who do you see as your main competitor?
I don’t really view anyone as a competitor because I don’t try and emulate or copy anyone. I certainly have influences but I am my own artist and I am on my own journey.
What are your interests outside of music?
I love sport, and hanging with my friends.
If it wasn’t a music career, what would you be doing?
Probably working in finance as a credit analysis or something like that.
What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music?
Finance ironically. Being an independent artist with no label behind you can be difficult. You don’t have endless amounts of funds so music as an independent artist certainly takes more time.
If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be?
Probably how saturated the market is. I think having a higher quality of musicians in a smaller pool would be better, but unfortunately know everyone with technology can create music and put it out to the world, which makes it a lot harder.
Why did you choose this as the title of this project?
Well I didn’t write the song, my keyboardist did and I loved the melody and kept humming it when he first showed it to me in 2018. I knew I had to have it on the record. I re-worked the lyrics and arrangement a little and added the 3rd verse which I wrote.
What are your plans for the coming months?
I am doing a music video for Table 17, as well as getting ready to release the second single.
Do you have any artistic collaboration plans
Not at the moment, maybe in the ps future I might do some features. I just have some much music I need to do alone for now.
What message would you like to give to your fans?
I don’t really have many fans at the moment, but for people that enjoy my music, I thank you for taking the time to listen to me. It means a lot. I never set out to do music for anyone else but myself, but when people also take time to listen to it. That to me is the greatest form of appreciation I can have.