Riding the Neon Reverie: Roman Angelos’ “Motorbike Journey”

Akin to a moth drawn to the aching neon howl of longing, we embark on “Motorbike Journey” released by the label Music Factory Records—a husky reverie in chrome and loneliness. Roman Angelos take us along for an evocative ride down prophetic back alleys bathed in cistern moonlight. There are whispers of Morricone’s magnificent melancholy, echoes of Jobim’s purring pathos humming softly just under the phosphorescent euphoria.

Vibraphone notes flutter like intoxicated fireflies while trombone bellows breathe life into derelict jazz bars littering this desolate dreamscape when suddenly, rapturous flares of harmony disrupt our solitaire ballad startling birds takin flight with vestigial melodies clattering Scarlet macaw feathers unto forgotten cobblestone boulevards.

Riding the Neon Reverie: Roman Angelos' "Motorbike Journey"
Riding the Neon Reverie: Roman Angelos’ “Motorbike Journey”

Yet scorn pulls at joy’s jovial jowl as tinges of exotica glitch across your cortex painting this sonic paradise wiith paradoxical hues. Infusions from early electronica fray edges further till ecstasy twines with pungent loss pushing “Motorbike Journey” far beyond quaint genre confines and plunging it into spectral realms between nostalgic fascination and sterile alienation.

All given breath by Shawn Lee—his hand seismic on throttle & chord progression alike—careening through liminal spaces where past betrays future and artistry eschews conventionality. Tune in folks. Put pedal to asphalt beat; board Angelos’ two-wheeled hallucination as it roars right outta reality, mournful tires eating terpsichorean distances beneath endless electronic skies rings with dangerous delight—an intoxicating synesthetic shape-shifter that will continue to serenade your consciousness long after farewell has been bid!

Follow Roman Angelos on Website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Chris The Blogger
Chris The Bloggerhttps://musicarenagh.com
I'm Christian, a music blogger passionate about various genres from rock to hip-hop. I enjoy discovering new sounds and anime. When not writing about music, I indulge in chicken wings, follow tech trends, and design graphics. Thanks for visiting; I hope you enjoy my content!

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